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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

"The Links of Her Rubicon" in CAC Gold Medal Exhibition

 "The Links of Her Rubicon" (34 x 21, oil on linen) is part of the California Art Club 110th Annual Gold Medal Exhibition!

The virtual opening celebration is Saturday July 10. The exhibition itself is now available on the California Art Club website. All works are for sale.



This experimental piece is pure metaphor; what it says is up to the viewer.

Two of many possibilities:

"I have crossed the Rubicon" said Julius Caesar. The point from which there is no going back, the decision becomes action and, win or lose, the course is set. Yet prior to that moment, small acts add up, each act, each link, moving inexorably to the point of no return.

At the same time ... the chain with which she has been held back becomes the means of her freedom.

There is no one answer. Art stimulates the imagination.

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