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Sunday, December 17, 2017

Portrait of Local Georgia Educator Florine Dial Johnston

"Florine Dial Johnston"   24x18   oil on linen

Earlier this year Charles was chosen to paint a posthumous portrait of Florine Dial Johnston (1890-1979), a life-long teacher and educator from Woodstock, Georgia. Two of her sons commissioned the painting, intending it for display at the local elementary school which is her namesake.

Charles with Florine's sons Richard and William Johnston

On December 1st, the family presented the framed portrait to the staff and students of the Florine Dial Johnston Elementary School. Florine's son Richard Johnston noted that the painting was very well received and he expects that it will hang at the school for many years to come.

Principal Amy Graham (holding the painting), Johnston family members,
school counselor Michelle Giles, and students of the Florine Dial Johnston Elementary School

Posthumous portraits are always a challenge. Charles relied on multiple family photographs, as well as stories and reminiscences from family members to create the vignette-style likeness. He feels extremely honored that the Johnston family chose him to play this small part in continuing Florine's legacy as an educator and benefactor.

The Florine Dial Johnston Elementary School in Woodstock, Georgia

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